
  • ArmiClenz® is "Cleaning Up the Competition"

  • Cold or Flu?

    Cold or Flu Virus? Learn the difference.
  • Hurricane Ida Donation, 2021

    Hurricane Ida Donation, 2021
  • Rinsing is NOT enough!

    Rinsing with Water is NOT Enough! REMOVE LIVING ORGANISMS FROM YOUR FOOD! Most of us have been rinsing fresh fruits and vegetables under the fauc...
  • ORGANIC Does Not Necessarily Mean SAFE

    DID YOU KNOW ?   ORGANIC fruits & veggies host pesticides, handling residue, soil, and bacterial decay.   Many people believe that organ...
  • Protect Yourself and Others from the Common Cold

    Protect Yourself and Others from the Human Rhinovirus 42 (the common cold)   No one wants a runny nose or sore throat, which are ...
  • Tips to Deep Cleaning Your Kitchen

    Deep cleaning your kitchen efficiently and effectively keeps germs away.   Did you know that your kitchen contains more germs than...